Sunday, May 31, 2015

May: Happy Mail Days

Hello folks, today I want to show you some mail I received during this pretty month. Getting Snail Mail is always so exciting, but I have to admit, at the moment I am so slow in writing replies! So everyone of you who is waiting for a letter from me to arrive: I haven't forgotten about you! ( :


This pretty letter came from Sina in Sweden. She decoretad the envelope with beautiful botanical cut-outs, the whole theme of this letter screamed SPRING IS HERE!

Her gifts were lovely as well: Rhubarb candies, a lavender soap, a jar filled with her selfmade lavender deo and a floral pillowcase.

# 2

This very bohemian inspired mail came from dear Monique in the US. I really love the paper she made the envelope from.

Super pretty cut-outs, spice tea, a chai chocolate and a wonderful card were her gifts for me ♥

# 3

And here's a letter from my lovely friend Roosa! Next to cute cards, tea & a dried leaf she sent me a pin from a second hand shop and some lovely Moomin stickers! She just knows best what I like! ♥

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Random Photos May

Here are some photos of my May:

1. Bought some rose sugar at a farmers market. // 2. Fresh bought flowers from the market made me smile ( : // 3. Starting the day healthy, porridge inspiration from my friend Michelle! // 4. In bloom! // 5. Sipped some tea while looking through old beautiful mail I received. // 6. Made some winterly inspired envelopes. Don't ask me why ( ; Got inspired by my friend Pattie and her wonderful mail art. // 7. I NEED strawberries. Every day! // 8. Birches - My favourite trees! // 9. Made a Chocolate-Pudding-Strawberry-Cake! Yum! // 10. Some of my favourite books: Vintage finds and gifts from lovely people. //11. Lovely new seabuckthorn tea in such a cute package! // 12. Fields of wild hawkbit and my favourite backpack on a early May walk // 13. Photoshoot in the forest with my friend.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Darling of the Month - Sina's natural way of life

Hello everybody! It's time for a new "Darling of the month". This time I talked with my friend Sina about cosmetics and her art. She's a real child of nature which you can find in everything she creates. I only know Sina by exchanging words, but she's such an inspiring soul and she makes me want to try out so many new things.
Read the interview with this pretty flower!

Sina, you have so many fantastic talents. This time we will focus on your selfmade cosmetics and artworks.

First of all, tell us a few things about yourself!

Well, I am a 25 years old vegan and grew up in the south of Germany. After finishing school I moved to Berlin and spent there 5 years.
I always wanted to study illlustration or restoration but in the end I ended up with studying "organic agriculture and marketing" in Eberswalde (a bit outside of Berlin).
Next to this I was working at a small organic farm and in the Prinzessinnengarten, an urban gardening project in the middle of Kreuzberg.
I really found another passion and inspiration in gardening and farming. The influences you always can find in my creative projects.
Two years ago I finished then my bachelor degree with a focus on urban farming in connection with environmental education. And a little bit over a year ago I moved to Sweden.
I am living now with my partner in Nyköping, a small town an hour from Stockholm. Since nine months I work as gardner on an organic, permaculture farm a little bit outside of Nyköping.
There I finally can try out what I learned during my study. My main responsibility is the planning and establishing of a vegetable garden.

When and why did you decide to produce your own cosmetics/skin care products?

The main influence was definatley my study. With learning more and more about organic farming and sustainability, I also got more and more aware about the products I'm using.
For me it was shocking how many horrable ingredients you even find in organic products (artificial scents, silicones etc.) . For me it is super important to actually know what I put on my skin and how it is affecting it.
We are always surrounded by toxics in our daily life so I at least want to treat my skin with products of high quality.
My mom is already making her own cosmetic products since I'm small and has a great knowledge about it. She was also a great inspiration and still always helps me out with tips.

For how long did you practise to make them?

I started already 3-4 years ago but then I did just from time to time an easy cream or body lotion.
With my move to Sweden it got more. In Nyköping you just have a small varity on organic products. So I partly was also forced to do my own products. Make up was one of these products. In a small town like Nyköping I just couldn't
find an organic make-up that suits my skin type and colour, so I started to making my own.

How often do you make creams/balms/salves etc.? 

I would say at least once a month. In the summer it will get more. I also like to make healing salves out of herbs like calendula or comfrey.
So I try to make a little stock of salves for the autumn and winter.

Have you ever thought of selling your products?

I did and I hope to do it in the future. At the moment I just have a very small kitchen so I just have not the capacity to do it in bigger amounts. It is also impossible to reach a high hygiene standard in this small kitchen.
But maybe later this year I will have the opportunity to do it.

What is important for you when it comes to cosmetics in general?

For me it is important that I know the ingredients. I want to know the effect on my skin, of each and every ingredient.
Besides of that it is important for me that the ingredients are mainly organic. I want to use oils and butters, that are free of chemicals. Just organic produced ingredients can assure this for me.
I'm vegan so I want to use just cruelty free produced products. No being should ever suffer for the product I'm using.

What's important for you while creating your own cosmetics?

I love the process of producing something with my own bare hands. We humans are so disrooted from nature and a self sufficiant life.
My goal is to learn more and more processes that bring me to a self suffiants life. Making my own cream gives me always a very independent feeling. I know I'm
not dependet on big concers that are producing cosmetic products.
Besides of this hygiene is very important for me. I just make small amounts so I don't have to preserve them. Therefor you have to be as clean as possible and deinfect all the tools and surfaces.

Which plants do you use preferably?

My favourite will always be the marigold. It's healing affects are great and they're so easy to grow in your own garden.
Besides of this I love to use comfrey, houseleek, yarrow, buckhorn and arnica.
I work on a farm so my hands are always dry and broken, these herbs are really my saviors.

Do you still buy some cosmetics in a store? If so, what are your favourite brands?

Yes I do. Products like shampoo or showering gel are really hard to produce by yourself and also not very affordable.
I personaly love the products from Dr. Bronner, I+M Berlin, Primavera, Weleda and Estelle&Thild Stockholm.

You also draw the labels for your cosmetics. When did you start drawing?

I always did. I was in a gymnasium with art in focus. So I had art as a main subject in school.
Then there are always times where I do not draw a lot. I have to feel stressless and inspired to do it.

What do you love drawing the most and why?

I love to draw plants. My whole life has it's focus on gardening and farming, so I love to also pick up these topics in my illustrations.
Guess you can find always something nature related in each and every illustration I did.

What tools do you use for that?

I use mainly fineliners and water colours. The last months I also experimented a bit with ink. But still I need more practice in that, I'm not very satisfied with the results.

Do you listen to music while you're drawing? If so, which one?

I do quiete a lot. It always depends on my mood I love dreampop, garage punk, black metal, punk, experimental and folk.
At the moment I am listening a lot to Makthaverskan, Hurula and The Sund Days. But it can change with every week.
I also made some mixtapes, you can check them out here:

What's your next project? I bet we are all curious to hear about!

I'm currently working on a little fanzine about my favourite herbs. I hope to finish it in may and will then also offer it in my little webshop.
Besides of this I would also like to upload an easy liquid make up recipe. Hope to manage all this soon!

And here you can see some of Sina's wonderful artworks!

Artemisia Vulgaris
Hildegard von Bingen

Stinging Nettle

Charles Darwin

Hel, goddess of the dead

Wanna see more of Sina's talents? Check out her blog here!

Please note that all photos are property of Sina! Please do not use without permission!!!

Also want to become a "Darling of the Month?
Send me an E-Mail at: or just read here first!