Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Darling of the Month - A dream of nostalgia and pastel: Meet the fantastic Annya Karina!

A light summer breeze is buzzing around and it's time to show you the new Darling of the month.

This time I talked with the wonderful illustrator Annya Karina about her art and future dreams.
I met this charming lady via Instagram and immediately fell in love with her artworks. I love the pastel colours she uses and how she includes lovely little animal friends into her works. She creates dreams, I would say! Scroll down and have a look yourself!

Hello, Darling! Tell us a few things about yourself!

Hello! My name is Annya Karina Marttinen and I grew up in many places across Canada but currently reside in Southern Ontario. I am the bunny mama of three adorable little bunnies named Peaches, Oats and Olive. Illustration is my full time career but when I am not waking up before the sun to paint, I enjoy filling my closet with vintage clothing and reading in gardens. My partner is a photographer so I also spend a lot of time art directing and planning out shoots with him. Also, I am a vegetarian and obsessed with brunch. My passion comes from my introvert personality and the natural ability to be patient that comes with it. I was a very studious child so illustration and the alone time that comes with it is perfect for me!

Can you describe, what drawing means to you?

Drawing has become so natural to me and a huge part of my life from the beginning. It means I get to share my secret dreams and silly little stories I make up which are a reflection of my reality, my paintings become almost like a diary or a "daydream” diary.

Who or what inspires your artworks?

A lot of my artworks are inspired by things I read about or daydreams. I close my eyes and I can see my next painting in my mind so clearly. A lot of what I paint is taken from a feeling of nostalgia and reclusion. 

What do love drawing the most and why?

Rabbits and girls in bedrooms. It’s a reoccurring theme in my illustrations. I love drawing rabbits because they are my favourite creatures and I love everything about their company and mentality. Drawing girls is always something I have grown to love more and more because adding a human creates a story and personality to my paintings. It makes my paintings relatable. The outfits (most of the time drawn from another era) are my favourite elements to dream up, it’s almost like being able to dress up my own dolls and adding a quirky personality to go with it. Bedrooms are always the sweetest to paint, I think they are an intimate detail into daily routine which can be very endearing.

When do you find yourself drawing?

I love drawing in the early morning when my mind is clear and enthusiastic. I am a morning person and feel best when the day is taken on immediately. I do not understand the concept of “sleeping in”, or enjoy sleep at all. Whenever I wake up I have this huge burst of creative energy that needs to be used!

Who are your favourite artists?

In terms of children’s books, Gyo Fujikawa and Beatrix Potter always stood out to me. In terms of fine art I adore the works of Frederick Morgan.

Do you have any colours and stationery tools you favour?

Right now I am completely in love with peach as well as mustard. I pretty much use those colours in every painting recently. As for stationary tools, bakers twin and deco tape have always been necessities. I have also been carving my own rubber stamps. 

What are your future projects?

Right now I have been working on all over patterns for a SS16 children’s clothing line in Paris. These will be released next summer along with a little children’s story booklet that I will be illustrating as well.

What three things are the most important to you?

My partner, my rabbits and eating natural.

Whats your favourite music?

Some of my favourite artists include Sufjan Stevens, Ben Howard, Tennis and The Paper Kites.

The image of a perfect life is ... 

...living in quiet solitude in a little cottage far away from the city with a little family and my continued success as an illustrator. My house always has to be pristine as my partner and I are very particular when it comes to home decoration. A little garden to call my own would be included in my idea of a perfect life as well.

A person you want to meet someday and why!

I would want to meet or at least see a photo of my blood relatives. Both of my parents were adopted so they are as far back as I have seen in terms of lineage. It would be interesting to know where some of my traits came from. Other than that, I would want to meet Elle Fanning because I think she is absolutely delightful.

Wanna see more of Annya Karina's art? Check out her instagram, her blog,  
tumblr and shop!

Please note that all  photos are property of Annya Karina
Do not use without permission!!!

Also want to become a "Darling of the Month?

Send me an E-Mail at: talesofaflowerchild@gmx.de or just read here first!

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