Wild Flowers
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Seems like summer is finally here. I took a trip with my bike around the town today and noticed all the pretty wild flowers at the wayside. Of course I had to pick a little bouquet for my home. It remebered me of my obsession with wild grown flowers from last year. And I really found back to that prettiness: Lupines, chamomille, yarrow and all the other little beauties. They are doing well at our little cabin. I love this cute little swedish-like house, loved playing there as a child. Now it's just a pretty place to relax, read a book, sip some tea or have a smoothie bowl on the white bench and to dwell on thoughts . . . 
Found this super pretty soup plate [I use it for my breakfast creations] in a thrift store today, for only 1 Euro ! How cool is this ?!? I also bought it in light red and some other little pretty things . . .
And this Moomin Snorkmaiden spoon is part of my breakfast spoon collection now ☻